"Feeding Our Homeless in Beaufort SC
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"Feeding Our Homeless in Beaufort SC
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Helping Our Homeless in Beaufort SC
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Providing Hot Meals To Homeless
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Beaufort Lighthouse Mission
Beaufort SC needs a Shelter for our Homeless. We have many homeless that would like to get on a work program and better their life. I cant speak for all the homeless but just a few.
We are serving Hot Meals on Sunday in 4 Locations of Beaufort SC. We have many homeless that need help beyond just a hot meal. We need a shelter in Beaufort SC.
We Need a Homeless Shelter...
We need you and others to help in this goal and only you can make that decision to give toward this project.
Pulling together our resources
Canned foods are a great item to give or serve to our homeless as we serve hot meals, providing hot food for our homeless at least once a week. Get involved today.
Getting our Churches involved
We need our Churches in the area to pull together so we may have an assortment of resources to help our homeless in case of homeless families. There have been families living in our wooded area's in tents, or just sleeping in a hammock.
School Groups Helping
Our Local Schools Food Drives...
We are so thankful for these young people and their Teacher for having a Love toward our homeless.
Getting Involved / Collecting
We have had individual Pastors and their wives and Church donate many food and clothing items our homeless have desperately needed. We need more Churches and Pastors involved.
Call us with your Donation
We have many sources and ways you can donate to this Homeless Outreach Ministry. Every donation is special. You can donate to buy Tents, sleeping bags, food, gift cards, and so much more to help our homeless get through another cold night outside.
This is a Christian Outreach Ministry
Preacher Tom Anderson:
Preacher Tom Anderson is an Ordained Minister
"Please DONATE to Help us Build a Tiny House Community for our Homeless in Beaufort SC. Beaufort Lighthouse Mission RADIO FM, Listen Now. Donations are needed for our Tiny House Community in Beaufort SC. Street of America Homeless Ministry is building a Tiny House Community in Beaufort SC for the Homeless and needs Donations to buy the 2 acres of property. Can you Donate Property or financially? We are feeding Hot Meals, on the ON-SPOT YouTube Channel FREE Food for our Homeless, and clothing FREE to help them while living outdoors. We are Preaching to the Homeless in Beaufort SC, and anywhere on the Street of America Homeless Outreach Ministry finds the homeless living on the street, or under the bridges. "
Our Homeless need Prayer
Just Being a Friend to our Homeless
Building Trust with our Homeless